Welcome to WMSD!

Here at the West Memphis School District we work collaboratively to build the future together. Whether it is grandparents visiting students, town mayors coming to read books, business leaders speaking with scholars, or teachers teaching valuable lessons, we know that it takes teamwork to guarantee success for all of our students.

West Memphis School District is made up of 6 schools--6 elementary schools, 2 junior high schools, and 1 high school--in the town of West Memphis, Arkansas, which is located right across the Mississippi River from Memphis, Tennessee.

The district serves 4, 925 students, and employs 584 personnel. For more on our annual report to the public, please follow this link: 2022 Annual Report to the Public

If you would like to learn more about the West Memphis School District, check out our Facebook Page or follow us on Instagram. You can also download our app on your google play or App Store.

If you would like to give back to WMSD, use this link to shop AMAZON.com and 0.5% of eligible purchases will go to WMPS Foundation. Your support is greatly appreciated!

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