Black History Month is a time to honor the rich contributions, achievements, and history of Black individuals and communities throughout the United States and beyond. The West Memphis School District is committed to fostering an environment of inclusion, respect, and education, celebrating the diversity that strengthens our community and our shared future. Let us use this month to learn, reflect, and continue to work together for positive change.
about 1 month ago, West Memphis School District
Robotics students from AWM attended a tour of International Paper. During the tour, the students visited the Graphic Design/CAD Department, the Simulation Lab, and the Testing Lab. The students interacted with an Environmental Engineer, Chemical Engineer, Chemist, and a Lab Technician. Topics included packaging design/costs, packaging quality, and the impact of environmental conditions. International Paper also offers a Continued Education Program for employees to complete a college degree.
4 months ago, West Memphis School District
AWM at International Paper
WMSD Students Tour University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff WMSD high school students were back on the road for the last college tour of 2024. This time they headed to the delta area of Pine Bluff, AR to tour the University of Arkansas’ Pine Bluff (UAPB) campus. There were approximately 39 students on this tour. Once the students offloaded the bus, they were greeted by Justin Harmon, Asst. Director of Recruitment, who took the group to listen to speakers about the college. After the presentation, the students ate lunch in the dining hall on Soul Food Wednesday. With full bellies, the group toured several buildings and classrooms across the campus. This tour was exciting for the students because this was their first visit to a Historically Black College and University. Students commented that they appreciated the family atmosphere, seeing people that looked like them, the short distance between buildings, and the excitement of campus life. UAPB was kicking off homecoming week, so the students were able to see the types of activities the campus had including a step show and a fashion show. Approximately 15 of the students are considering enrolling at UAPB and some even started their paperwork. Thank you to the faculty and staff of UAPB for hosting and especially the cafeteria staff for serving delicious food which the students really loved.
5 months ago, West Memphis School District
Dress Code Grace Period The WMSD Administration has granted a grace period for enforcing the 2024-25 Dress Code. Effective Monday, August 5 ALL students are required to abide by the School Board Approved dress code policy.
8 months ago, Robert Jackson
All West Memphis High School Graduates
8 months ago, Charles Jackson
The State of Arkansas is providing critical food resources for students and families. Learn more at
10 months ago, Charles Jackson
Spanish EBT
English EBT
Go visit Maddux Elementary's Pop Up Shop for your Christmas gifts!
over 1 year ago, Cana Able
Pop Up Shop
Dear Superintendent Brown, Congratulations! Wonder Junior High and The Academies of West Memphis Charter have been recognized by the Office for Education Policy (OEP) at the University of Arkansas as schools that are Beating the Odds, because students demonstrated high growth on the ACT Aspire even though the schools serve a high percentage of students who participate in Free and Reduced Lunch! As you may know, the OEP creates an annual report entitled the Outstanding Educational Performance Awards where we recognize schools with high student academic growth. We think growth is the best indicator of the positive impact that your school is having on students. In our Beating the Odds report published today, Wonder Junior High recieved the following awards: High Math Growth (Northeast region) High ELA Growth (Northeast region) The Academies of West Memphis Charter recieved the following award: High ELA Growth (Northeast region) We provide badges for placement on your school's website (attached), and personalized paper awards will be sent to the district later this school year. Awards are based on the 2023 content growth score calculated by the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education. These growth scores reflect how much students at the school improved from 2022 compared to how much they were expected to grow considering prior achievement. We recognize schools based on Overall growth, as well as for growth in Math and English Language Arts separately. To learn more about how we determined the OEP award winners and to see the full list of award recipients, you can view the report here. We congratulate you on this accomplishment and hope that you will share this good news with teachers, students, and others who contributed to your school's success. This year's full list of OEP awards can be found here. For updates and insights, follow our blog at, and to be added to our weekly updates and roundup of education news, send an email to with the subject line "Sign me up!" Congratulations again on your OEP Growth awards! Sincerely, Sarah McKenzie, PhD Executive Director Office for Education Policy University of Arkansas 479-409-9753
over 1 year ago, Charles Jackson
Parent teacher conference will be tomorrow August 31st from 12:30 pm to 7:30 pm at your child's school. We look forward to seeing you there.
over 1 year ago, Charles Jackson
Parent Teacher Conference
#MondayMotivation Just a reminder....Back to school week is in 4 Mondays from today! Stay tuned for supply lists and all of your back to school event information. #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
over 1 year ago, West Memphis School District
July 26 is first day of school
#MotivationMonday In exactly 1 month from today, WMSD schools will be back in session! Stay tuned for all things back to school. #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
over 1 year ago, West Memphis School District
#MotivationMonday Celebrate Juneteenth today, Monday, June 19! Please remember WMSD is closed in observance of the holiday. Enjoy your day! #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
over 1 year ago, West Memphis School District
wmsd is closed today
#FYIFriday Come out and celebrate Juneteenth tomorrow! Check out the image for more information, and remember WMSD offices and schools are closed on Monday, June 19 in observance of the Juneteenth holiday. Have a great weekend! #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
almost 2 years ago, West Memphis School District
Juneteenth Celebration 6/17 from 11-5 at Wonder City boys and girls club
WMSD will be closed on Monday, June 19
Summer School Registration for 2nd Session!
almost 2 years ago, Cana Able
Summer School Registration
#WinningWednesday A handful of WM sports standouts are named to this year's 2023 Sports Hall of Fame Class. Congratulations to these blue devils! Check out the image for a complete list of names and information on this year's ceremony. #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
almost 2 years ago, West Memphis School District
Hampton, Moore, Sloan, Gean, and Rose named to this year's class.
ceremony is 10/26 at 7pm at the AWM cafeteria. Tickets go on sale in September.
#FriYAY Today is the LAST day of school for the 2022-2023 school year! We hope you enjoy your summer break! If you need to look at dates for the next school year, check out our website and app for links to the calendar. #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
almost 2 years ago, West Memphis School District
Summer break starts today.
#ThursdayThoughts Are you a parent of a current or former special education student in WMSD? Do you know of one? We want to alert special education parents about this Destruction of Records Notice. Check out the image and share to those who may need this information. #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
almost 2 years ago, West Memphis School District
destruction of records notice
June 15, records destroyed
#WisdomWednesday Don't forget....WMSD schools will dismiss early on Friday, June 2nd on the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Elementary schools dismiss at 2, and secondary schools dismiss at 2:15. #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
almost 2 years ago, West Memphis School District
last day is Friday, June 2
#WelcomeWednesday The West Memphis School District school board selected a new superintendent. Dr. Terrence Brown will be joining WMSD in July. Check out the image for more information and some thoughts from him. #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
almost 2 years ago, West Memphis School District
Welcome to WMSD, Dr. Brown.
#TuesdayVibes The last day of school is Friday! Please note that schools will dismiss early on Friday, June 2nd. #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
almost 2 years ago, West Memphis School District
last day is 6/2